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The Shero Rises

6 Weeks to Reclaim Your Power and Align with Your Vision!

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"I have a vision of total victory and nothing else.
​Defeat has no place in my mind."


Week 1: Warrior I - Reach for the Sky and Root Down

Sunday 11th November

Clear away distractions. Think big and plant new seeds of intention. Learn a simple exercise to ground yourself daily.

Yoga pose video: Warrior I: Virabhadrasana I​ 

​30 min 1-2-1 check-in session

Week 2: Warrior II - Build Physical Strength and Containment
Sunday 18th November

Keep your physical body moving. Creating structure and routine in your day and week to get things done to have time for yourself.

Yoga pose: Warrior II: Virabhadrasana II

Week 3: Goddess - Surrender to the Moon
Sunday 25th November

Greet your shadows. Learn to work with the wisdom of the emotions you resist and acquire their powerful elixirs.

Yoga pose: Goddess: Utkata Konasana

Live Workshop in FB group

​Week 4: Shooting Bow - Embrace the Sun
Sunday 2nd December

Create healthy boundaries and defend your personal territory. Expressing your No and standing fully in your power.

An Introduction to Non-Violent Communication Pdf.

Yoga pose: Shooting Bow: Akarna Dhanurasana 

60 min 1-2-1 coaching session

​​Week 5: Tree - The Shero Rises
Sunday 9th December

Integrate yin (lunar) and yang (solar) energy within. Practicing a pranayama (breath control) and qigong technique to simultaneously root and rise to increase your vitality, your Shakti essence, your divine feminine power.

Yoga pose: Tree: Vakrasana 

​Week 6: Dancer - Activate Your Vision!

Sunday 16th December
Embody your creative warrior energy and trust your vision! Making a vision board to manifest your desires. 

Yoga pose: Dancer: Natarajasana

30 min 1-2-1 closing session

Live web class to celebrate your journey: Vision Board Party!

*FRIDAY 28th December 

Vision Board Party Link to Join
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