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Writing Challenge

Awaken the Warrior Feminine within! Join my 11 day writing quest to ​reclaim your power!

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
                                                  ~ Joseph Campbell​

It's Started! ​Gain full access to the challenge now! Don't miss out on this opportunity for transformation and change! Scroll down to view my vlogs and my three-part article for this quest below. Begin your journey from Chapter 1 and get my free journaling podcast to use alongside the writing prompts for added support!

Are you a sensitive soul looking to cultivate Shakti, your creative, warrior spirit? In need of defeating your own demons and dragons? Then review the fight plan below:

Shero: You, Me, Us.

Mission: Awaken the rising fighting feminine spirit to heal Self and World.

When: ***Now until 10th May!*** 

Where: Online and in our own metaphorical caves.

How: Join my email list and Facebook group Warrior Training for the Sensitive Soul and follow my lead and daily writing prompts.

The Journey: We will set sail to the shadowy depths of our hearts and psyches and face our challenges and obstacles with our warrior spirit.

Enemy: Our known and unknown demons and dragons.

Weapons: Pen (ink as our Shakti) and paper (as our path), art supplies (colouring pens, pencils, paint etc.) and our strong spirit as our shield.

Superpower: Our sensitivity.

Supernatural Aid: Call on me for support on your path should you need guidance encountering a formidable enemy.

Goal: To collect our treasure - our true power that the dragon hoards. 

You will learn how to use the power of your imagination and conscious embodiment to re-write and re-direct your story and heal yourself!

Head over to my private Facebook group Warrior Training for the Sensitive Soul and grab your free Sensitive Warrior Bundle! {Click on the files tab to download - it includes a writing and art journaling guide along with a meditation podcast and more! Use these to prepare for your journey} (Alternatively click the 'Sign Up' tab on the top right corner). Be part of my Facebook tribe of Sensitive Warriors who are on a path of self-awakening and share your experience if you'd like further support and guidance during the quest!

Vlogs + Articles: 
​Awakening the Shero Within:

Part 1: Enter the Dragon.

Part 2: The Dark Cave of the Unconscious.

Part 3: The Return Home With Treasure.


Into the depths of darkness we go,
To play with our demons and wicked foes.
A secret ministry didn't you know? 
Of forces beckoning our soul-growth.

CHAPTER 1: Warming Up   

​CHAPTER 2: Fear 

CHAPTER 3: Transforming Fear 

CHAPTER 4: Guilt and Shame 

CHAPTER 5: Re-Writing Guilt and Shame

CHAPTER 6: Anger

CHAPTER 7: Re-directing Anger

​CHAPTER 8: Hate

​CHAPTER 9: Re-imagining Hate

CHAPTER 10: Pain and Grief

​CHAPTER 11: Moving Pain and Grief

Want more treasure, inspiration,
​motivation and guidance?

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