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Shakti Awakens: March 2023 Full Moon Guidance

Writer's picture: PayalPayal

Updated: Nov 21, 2024

[Photo: Photo Nikhil Kumar]

The moon achieves its fullness on 7th March (UK time) in simha rashi (Leo) in the sensual and abundant nakshatra of Purva Phalguni — signaling the movement towards awakening and fertility, towards the season of Spring and the arrival of the Hindu festival of Holi and Maha Lakshmi Jayanti.

Holi is based on a narrative from the Bhagavata Purana, which discusses Vishnu’s avatars. The values presented in this story, centred around Prahlad, son of Hinranykashyap, a demon king, are of bhakti and shraddha; devotion to dharma along with one’s values, self-truth and good actions over a destructive ego identity. We celebrate the birth and characteristics of Ma Lakshmi (Venus shakti) on this day too.

Interestingly, Venus, who is a Guru of the asuras (demons) and ruler of Purva Phalguni, is currently exalted in Pisces and embodies these devotional and heart-led qualities. The darker side of Sun-ruled Leo is the centering of the ego, with displays like jealousy, possession, and entitlement — a king without humility. Sun and Saturn both in Aquarius right now support the balance towards service and responsibility to humanity rather than self-service — not mistaking this with self-love and self-care, which Venus reminds us of.

Leo in Purva Phalguni is nurturing, creative, and fertile. If things have not been feeling good lately, the full moon shifts the mental and emotional body towards warmth, beauty, prosperity; a chance to reset and create a better, more harmonious foundation based on our creative self-expression.

What creative or entrepreneurial project is reaching a culmination? What is expanding right now? What is being illuminated in the soft, nurturing light of this moon?

[Photo: Varun Verma]

Purva Phalguni translates as the ‘early reddish one’ — signaling the arrival of colour and ‘fruit’ (phal). This nakshatra offers ‘prajanan shakti,’ the power to create or procreate, therefore the connection to children is strong, as is the ability to manifest — bring something into form, from sensual desires — the star’s symbol being the front legs of a marriage bed hung between trees (a hammock). The deity is Bhaga, whose name means womb, the yoni, brings happiness, luck and good fortune. This is a time to create from a sense of rest, play and pleasure.

Nurture your leadership ability and ambitious nature, connecting your dreams and desires to your motivations and the greater good it will serve. Balance this with time spent in rejuvenation, receptivity, love and pleasure in this cycle ahead.

Keep body and mind light and carefree and add colour to your life — just as the celebrations of Holi guide us to!

~ Payal


The Prana and Poetry Podcast (Series 1 — Dharma & Decoloniality)


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