Level Up Your Life with this 7-Step Ritual for Spiritual Seekers
The Truth Roars Like Lion: The Silencing and Erasure of Indian Yoga Teachers in Western Wellness Spaces
Victory on the Path of Truth: July's Capricorn Full Moon in Uttara AshāḌhā.
Starting Over: July’s New Moon in Gemini Under the Blessings of Purnavasu | Vedic Astrology
The Source of Truth: June’s Full Moon in Sagittarius, Mūla Nakshatra.
'The Keeper of the Vedas' - Poetry
Endings and Initiations: May’s New Moon in Aries, Bhāranī Nakshatra | Vedic Astrology
The Power to Reach Your Potential! April’s Libra Full Moon in Svātī Nakshatra
Illusions and Illuminations: April New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Pisces, Vedic Astrology Insights.
Embrace Your Powerful Light! Maghā Purnima: February’s Full Moon in Leo | Vedic Astrology
Guru Pushya Yoga: January’s Auspicious Full Moon in Cancer | Vedic Astrology Guidance
Flowing Towards Your Depths: New Moon in Sagittarius | PŪRVĀṢĀḌHĀ Nakshatra
Create a Clearing: December’s Full Moon Guidance (2023) | Vedic Astrology
Awakening Grief and Humility: December’s New Moon in Scorpio, in Jyeṣṭhā Nakshatra.
Chaos and Cosmic Order: October’s New Moon & Solar Eclipse Portal. (Vedic Astrology.)
Liberating the Emotions, the Body and Soul ~ Full Moon in Pisces and the Power of Uttara Bhadrapada.
The Dharma & Decolonial Toolkit ~ Resources that Centre Indigenous Voices.
Ethical Leadership: September New Moon in Leo ~ Vedic Astrology
Black Ocean: Divine Feminine Healing and Transformation
Focus on your Higher Purpose: Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse Guidance for May 2023